Vanessa Ashall
Becoming Entangled
Updated: Aug 20, 2019
We had a wonderful time becoming 'entangled' at the cross disciplinary event in York! Turnout was great with eminent scholars attending from Universities in York, Keele, Birmingham, Liverpool, Warwick, Manchester, Durham, Cardiff, LSE and Oxford as well as clinical input from a PDSA Vet! The group had combined expertise across numerous disciplines including Ethics, Law, Sociology, Geography, History, Health Sciences and Veterinary Science - see our graphic biographies courtesy of Laura Evans @NiftyFox creative.
Joanna Latimer engaged the group with the concept of Entanglement and I shared some of the focus group data and my preliminary research themes. Our conversations about how this research stream could develop as a cross-disciplinary area were groundbreaking, and again have been recorded beautifully by Laura.
Further discussion over tapas in York led into substantive discussions on day 2 at our World Cafe where we made progress with possible research methods, research questions, collaboration and funding opportunities as well as thinking about impact and engagement - take a look at our event outputs!